The M10 proves that even simple plastic chairs can provide an optimal level of comfort, by allowing the shell and the frame to move in accordance with the user, without the addition of a separate mechanism.
 Moulded parts have been used throughout the product for a systemised mass production of standardised products and also to minimise potential production defects. A recycling rate of at least 95 per cent (measured by weight) has been achieved, thanks to development procedures that considered the environmental impact of the final product. Furthermore, aluminium was applied in key parts to guarantee structural safety and durability.
 The M10 allows the shell and frame to move in accordance with the user, without a separate mechanism. When the user leans back, the backrest moves back and the seat naturally slides forward - the synchronized tilt function generally found only in high-end task chairs.
 The chair also allows for perfected stacking, resulting in efficient shipping and space utilisation. 
CAD drawings for proper position of movement
1:4 scale mockups of M10


We've advanced this project for about a year, and it released February 2010.
